Our laser hair removal packages:

Getting smooth skin is easy with laser hair removal. We offer several services for almost every part of the body and recommend a certain number of sessions. Before you arrive at your procedure, make sure to shave the area either the day before or morning of your session. Please keep in mind that laser hair removal treats dark hair only. Light, white or grey hair is not easily recognized by the laser and often times doesn't work or have the same result. Please also note, darker skin types are at a higher risk for hypopigmentation or burns.

After care- you must refrain from any further waxing, tanning and sun exposure after receiving laser hair removal.

IPL photo facial:

Do you have brown spots? Redness from rosacea or just flushed cheeks all of the time? IPL photo facial can totally help! This is a quick procedure that utilizes a broader based light beam to target brown spots and redness. Remove unwanted sun pigment, age spots and telangiectasia 's. This service is sold as a package of three treatments. I recommend having this completed after sun exposure ( After vacation or at the end of summer). This procedure is quick and feels roughly like a rubber band pinching the skin.


Are you bothered by spider veins? Do you have a red lesion on your face, scalp or body that bother you? Were you born with a port wine stain? I offer a state of the art laser that removes those unwanted vascular lesions. Treatments are quick and there is no down time. With typical spider vein treatment, the veins are treated w/ a sclerotic agent and the patient has to wear uncomfortable compression stockings for two weeks. With vasculaze, there is no downtime or the need to wear uncomfortable compression stockings. Make your appointment today!